Shearer Studios
Contemporary Metal and Abstract Art

Guestbook - Add a Comment

I caught you website on Craigslist and thought I woul top by. You have some nice work. I ave saved your site on my fvorites list. I alos like the design of your web page. Have a great day!
Jesse - 1 Apr 2012
Your pieces are beautiful!
Tami - 8 Sep 2011
Nice work...It drew a smile...
Anthony Gazzigli - 28 Mar 2011
Tom, I recently saw some of your work at the Galleria in Capitola, CA. I particularly liked the abstract metal piece with the apparent 3-dimensions in the polished polish brass color of the sky(?) and the shades of green below looking like a the sea. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Byron Gilman - 18 Jan 2010
Hey Tom. Came across your site while cleaning my bookmark files. Let's chat sometime. Wanted to see what you've been doing lately. P.S. Luv your art!
Paul G. White - 2 Oct 2009
My husband and I recently discovered your artwork. You have moved my soul in a way that I am not familiar with. You have the Midas touch to spirituality. "In The Valley" took me to a whole different dimension. We love your work with copper/acid dye and heat. Awesome.
Trudy Landgrebe - 31 Aug 2009
Tommy - how special for you to share your website with me and let me see your works... I don't know where to begin on how so many of them moved me for different reasons!! You are so very talented. Thanks for sharing!
Jenny Claypool - 9 Jun 2009
Really enjoy your talent, the metalwork pieces especially. Your heart is felt in your work.
Teresa Castillo - 26 Apr 2009
Love your work!! Love your pieces that I have!! Can't wait to get the new piece!
Cheri B - 25 Nov 2008
Tom, I enjoyed our duo art show at the "Chartreuse Muse" gallery. You have such a wonderful talent and it was a pleasure meeting you!
Nicole Slater - 12 Nov 2008
To coin my 18 year old son's phrase "Le-git". Tom, your stuff is all over the board and you have developed into a force to be reconded with. Follow the pasion...make art! John in Reno
John M. Septien - 12 Nov 2008
Great website...we love your work!
Jim and JoAnn - 12 Nov 2008
I love your alive, fun and serious, whimsical and mature.... great!
Sofanya - 7 Nov 2008
Good Job, Loved the WebSite
Heidi Shearer - 6 Nov 2008
I love you and your work (especially the metal art).
Cassandra T - 6 Nov 2008
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